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In Times of Storms

Storm in ocean, Storms, Ocean, Lighting in ocean

Since the fall of man, storms of all kinds have been a part of life. Though we should expect them, we often forget the devastation that they can cause. A storm has been defined as a violent disturbance of the atmosphere, a tempest, an assault or attack on a strong position. Storms can be those of nature or trials of life. Some storms we bring on ourselves, some are caused by others. Everyone experiences storms. It has been said that either we're currently in a storm, going into a storm or coming out of a storm. Whether they are nature's catastrophe storms or stormy trials in life, storms bring havoc into one's life.

As of late, the world and our nation has seemingly been bombarded with many kinds of storms. Terrorism, governmental chaos, nuclear war concerns and racism are just a few. In addition, we've experienced hurricanes and floods of biblical proportion, devastating the lives of millions. Along with our personal storms, one might ask, "What are we to do?" The answer is Jesus. Although storms upset the ordinary scheme of life, storms serve to test our faith and to strengthen us. Scripture reminds us that we will have troubles in this world, but we are to take heart because Jesus has overcome the world (John 16:33). Jesus is our refuge in the time of storm and we are to put our trust in him(Psalm 46:1). Finally, as children of God, Jesus is with us at all times and gives us his peace that surpasses all understanding (John 14:27).

Pictures courtesy of,, & USA Today

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