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Free Indeed

On July 4, 2018, America celebrated its 242nd year of independence from Britain. As citizens of the greatest nation on earth, we celebrate our civil liberties and religious freedom. However, while our Declaration of Independence declares our freedom, we still struggle in many areas.

Recently, my husband and I along with my sister and brother-in-law, visited the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center Museum in Cincinnati, Ohio. It was both inspiring and eye opening. The museum reveals the history of slavery and the fight for freedom by brave and courageous individuals. It gives a profound look at how illusive true freedom really is throughout history and around the world. Likewise, as we look at our society today we see that we are still plagued by various forms of slavery such as racism, sexism, economic disparities, cultural division, depravity and corruption. Society's slavery chains are not physical, but chains of sin. So, this begs the question, "Are we really free?"

Scripture reminds us that if we put our trust in anyone or anything other than Jesus we are not free. True freedom is found only in Jesus. "So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed," John 8:36.

Pictures Courtesy of:

Statue of Liberty -

Civil Rights -

School Shootings -

Rolls Royce & Plane - Billionaire Life in America -

Black Lives Matter -

Immigrants Make America Great -

Crime & Violence -

U.S. Capital -

Political Corruption -

End Poverty -

John 8:36 verse -

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