Seek Goodness
Recently I heard a pastor tell his congregation to always seek goodness. In fact, he challenged his congregation to do random acts of kindness for as many people as they could. He told them to take envelopes, enclose it with cash (whatever amount they desired), write “Jesus loves you” on front and give out the envelopes to random people. The pastor talked about the amazing joy one receives when they seek to do goodness for others without any expectations.
Like many who give to strangers, charities and various causes, my husband and I already do this. However, we were led to take up the pastor’s challenge during the Christmas season. We enclosed some envelopes with cash and spiritual tracks for random people. We gave some these envelopes to homeless people and some to essential workers. We then decided to take it a step further by sending “Thinking of you” greeting cards to people we know. We enclosed some of these cards with cash and some with gift cards. We signed every card with “Jesus loves you and so do we!” The joy we received from these random acts of kindness was immeasurable!
February recognizes “Random Acts of Kindness Week.” November recognizes “World Kindness Day.” However, in God’s Kingdom, acts of kindness should not be limited to a specific day or month, but every day. Acts of kindness is something everyone can do. It is not always monetary. Acts of kindness can be any service, deed, expression of love, compassion or care shown to others without expecting anything in return. It can be a warm smile, cheerful wave, a kind pat on the shoulder, encouraging word, a friendly call/text or visit. It could be allowing someone to skip ahead of you in the grocery line or on the freeway, preparing a meal for the sick, offering to buy someone’s lunch, helping an elderly neighbor with a chore and the list goes on.
Scripture reminds us that we should seek every opportunity to do good. Galatians 6:10 says, “Therefore, whenever we have the opportunity, we should do good to everyone—especially to those in the family of faith.”
Picture Courtesy of Author